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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

League of Women Voters of Brown County, Indiana

We never support or oppose any political party or candidate.


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan civic organization encouraging informed

and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.


Register for Legislative Updates

For a preview of the legislative session see

Mark your Calendar for Legislative updates during the Legislative Session:

Saturdays, 9:30 am to 11:00 am

·       January 25th Watch recording:

·       February 15th Watch recording:

·        March 8th  Watch recording:

·       April 19th  Register Here:

Learn about what our Legislators are working on this session in the General Assembly. What will happen with Education, the state budget, taxes, health care and all the issues that impact our daily lives. Legislators will share what they are working on, and will respond to constituent questions. All representatives for Brown County, Johnson County and Monroe County have been invited.

You Have the Right to Vote in Indiana If:

• You are a U.S. citizen and resident of Indiana; AND

• You are at least 18 years old on or before the election; AND

• You are not currently in prison, convicted of a crime; AND

• You’ve lived in your voting precinct at least 30 days before the election; (If you have moved within 30 days of the election, vote at your former precinct, either in-person or absentee by mail.)  AND

• You are registered to vote (before the deadline).

Know the Candidates

Find out everything you need to know on

— Deadlines, candidates, where you vote, link to registration and more.


Links to recordings of the recent LWVBC forums and candidate introductions from meet and greets are published on and are available here:

9/21 BC Commissioner Candidates

9 /21 Candidate Meet and Greet

9/28 US Congress 9th District Candidate Forum:

10/3 Brown County Surveyor Candidate Forum and Meet and Greet: 

Election Security Rumor vs. Reality

How can you tell the difference?

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) provides excellent info on best practices to ensure safe elections. The “Rumor vs. Reality” section is designed to address disinformation narratives by providing accurate information related to elections.  You can read about common myths and fact check the reality HERE. 

Why Should I Vote?

Your vote determines your access to

affordable health care

Your vote lifts up the voices of those most impacted by climate change

Your vote ensures that we're all represented in our government, not just those of us with greater wealth or systemic advantages

Your vote promotes immigration reform, including family reunification and political asylum

Recent Articles

The 2024 CONNECTIONS Resource Guide is Available

This handy annual guide provides information on nonprofits, government entities, Brown County Schools, places of worship, and much more. Copies of the 2024 Connections are available at the Brown County Library or the Brown County Democrat office.

CLICK HERE for a pdf version of the 2024 booklet.

Upcoming Events

The Goal of the League of Women Voters is to Empower Citizens 

to Shape Better Communities Worldwide

The League of Women Voters

of Brown County is a 

Nonpartisan Civic Membership Organization 

  • Which takes action after study and member agreement to achieve solutions in the public interest on key community issues at all government levels
  • Which builds citizen participation in the democratic process
  • Which engages communities in promoting positive solutions to public policy issues through education and advocacy

League Positions

People Powered Fair Maps ™

Our goal is to end 
gerrymandering and achieve fair maps by advocating for transparent
processes, increasing public input, and protecting communities of interest.

Democracy is not a spectator sport!

League of Women Voters of Brown County, Indiana

PO Box 74

Nashville IN 47448