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Care About Lake Monroe?

Shari Frank | Published on 2/7/2023

LTE to Brown County Democrat newspaper


Care about Lake Monroe?  Come learn what you can do to help protect our lake.

Wayyy back in 2020 the first Brown County forum was held to develop plans to protect Lake Monroe.  Much has been learned and done since then and it’s time for the next phase.  Will you help?

Friends of Lake Monroe have much progress to report.  The data is in.  Maggie Sullivan, Lake Monroe Watershed Coordinator will share results of a two year sampling project, top threats to the lake, water quality and recreation opportunities.   

What part of protecting Lake Monroe means the most to you?  Having safe drinking water?  Being able to camp and swim and boat and fish?  Watching the sunset over the water?  Providing biodiversity for native flowers and wildlife?  Flood control?  Quiet walks among the trees? 

Whatever your interests are, your thoughts and energy are wanted to help develop a plan to protect Lake Monroe. 

What can you do to help?  Attend one of our upcoming Lake Monroe Community Forums this spring to learn more about the watershed management plan and to share your ideas on how to put it into action.

The League of Women Voters of Brown County supports 

a. Resource conservation, stewardship and long-range planning for all watersheds touching on Brown County and especially the Lake Monroe Watershed. 

b. Resource conservation, stewardship and long-range planning for all watersheds touching on Brown County and especially the Lake Monroe Watershed. 

League of Women Voters Brown County is pleased to co-host public forums on protecting Lake Monroe with Friends of Lake Monroe and the League of Women Voters of Bloomington-Monroe County.  Please join us Thursday June 9 in Nashville, from 6:45-8:30pm at the Brown County Public Library.  

Two other forums will be offered covering the same information – one in Bloomington on May 24 and one virtually over Zoom on June 15.  For more information visit  or  Event registration is encouraged but not required, except for the virtual event.

Please join us to show your support for water quality and share your ideas of how to protect and improve our lakes and streams.  For more information you may contact Shari Frank at or Maggie Sullivan, the watershed coordinator for Friends of Lake Monroe. at 812-558-0217 or


Shari Frank

President, LWVBC