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HomeBrown County 2020

Leading Brown County
A Strategic Renewal of 
"Brown County 2020: A Vision for the Future"


At our last community conversation August 14, 2014 we announced that the League of Women Voters of Brown County and the Community Foundation were putting out a survey so that the community could give its views on possible solutions for the Courthouse. The survey period went  through September 3, and we are happy to say that we have now counted the forms returned. The  results are not scientific, but they give a snapshot of opinion.  While we would certainly like to have seen a higher rate of return, we are most appreciative of those folks who  filled out a survey and returned it. Thank you!

Summer 2014


Total responses received: 207                                                                                   
  Retain the current Courthouse, make emergency fixes as possible: 126
  Retain, renovate and add on to the current Courthouse: 24                           
  Build a new facility at the LEC site: 52                                                             
   Fund now: 40                                                                                                   
   Set aside funds each year for Courthouse solution at later date: 104

Please note that many people did not mark a funding response, and a handful did not mark a building response, so the individual categories  do not add up to total responses

In addition to the survey check marks, a fair number of people included  comments.  These tended to fall into the following general areas: Brown County can't afford this, especially given our demographics; there are other priorities that should be funded first (e.g., water, roads), the historical nature of the downtown and the Courthouse should be reserved (proposed addition too big);additional study needed on needs, uses of old Courthouse, possible other funding sources, ie, grants, the Sock Factory proceeds, etc.

We plan to present these results to the County Commissioners later this month.  We will also have the folder of surveys and comments available at the Foundation for anyone who wants to read through them.

See Brown County 2020: A Vision For the Future 

See Preserving the Court House