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The President of the League of Women Voters of Brown County is Shari Frank.
Email her at if you are interested in more information about this nonpartisan organization.

New members are very welcome regardless of gender!

Who are We?

The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan, grass-roots network with members of both genders throughout the United States. An outgrowth of the women's suffrage movement, the League first worked to encourage 20 million women to exercise their new rights. Now the League works for and with all citizens to encourage active participation in government at local, state and national levels.

Some ways the Brown County League does this are:
  • Studying issues of local interest and advocating positions based on these issues
  • Hosting forums, conversations, and programs to advance local participation
  • Offering local candidate forums and meetings with state legislators
  • Co-hosting the annual publication of Connections, a local resource guide
  • Publishing Who's Where in Brown County, a guide to local government
  • Following local government meetings and actions through our Observer Corps
With the League You Can:
  • Increase your understanding of vital issues: local, state, and national
  • Join others in advocating positions
  • Learn how government works at various levels
  • Meet candidates and officials
  • Have an impact on public policy
  • Encourage others to become informed and involved
Visions, Beliefs and Intentions

The goal of the League of Women Voters is to empower citizens to shape better communities worldwide.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political membership organization which:
-Takes action after study and member agreement to achieve solutions in the public interest on key community issues at all government levels
- Builds citizen participation in the democratic process
- Engages communities in promoting positive solutions to public policy issues through education and advocacy

The League of Women Voters Education Fund is a nonpartisan public policy educational organization which:

  • Builds citizen participation in the democratic process
  • Studies key community issues at all governmental levels in an unbiased manner
  • Enables people to seek positive solutions to public policy issues through education and conflict management.

We believe in:

  • Respect for individuals
  • The value of diversity
  • The empowerment of the grassroots, both within the League and in communities.

We will:

  • Act with trust, integrity and professionalism
  • Operate in an open and effective manner to meet the needs of those we serve, both members and the public
  • Take the initiative in seeking diversity in membership
  • Acknowledge our heritage as we seek our path to the future